new blog
I've started a new blog to keep log of my experiences with mono.. check it out at
I've started a new blog to keep log of my experiences with mono.. check it out at
Hmm.. Thought i'll atleast compile mono today.. so unmerged mono from my system, and tried to get the latest source via svn. But svn wasnt installed, so emerge'd that .. then got mono n all.. but then it wouldnt compile.. cos of old ver of automake(1.4-p6), so started the emerge of that..but that is upgrading around 39packages(ya havent upgraded to the latest gentoo release).. its compiling the 31st right now(glibc)..
I guess it'll take quite some time.. Time to sleep ...
Finally got the confirmation from Novell for NOSIP!!! Will be starting in Jan'2005.. coool!! hmm.. was pretty bored last nite.. so decided to finally hack iptraf n add some much-needed features.. like watching traffic host-wize.. zooming in on a host n seeing traffic proto/port wize.. then further zooming in to see connections etc.. Well.. one level of zoom is done.. n is working very nicely!!! realllllly useful!!!