Nullexec's Exceptions..

Monday, September 20, 2004

Gaim again!! :)

Hmm been workin on a plugin for gaim again.. This one lets anyone on my buddy list download whatever track that i'm listening to.. (displays track title as my yahoo status msg).. Something like.. anyone wishing to get the track can just send


And the music file gets sent to the user as a normal yahoo file transfer.. automatically!! :)
Once this was working.. added support for more commands.. to offer a list of files.. which can be set per user and a "general" list for just anyone on my buddy list..

Hmm.. then added another command to it to make my playlist avail as an html file which has ID numbers for every track which can be used to get the tracks from me.. (all automatically obv.. )

!!get_file #45!!

Will get the 45th track on the playlist! :)
Alllrite.. its nothing great.. hmm but was bored! :D
Need to finalize that file transfer patch n send it off ... Hmm Have connected a radio to my comp and am streaming audio on the lan.. good change from the usual stuff.. heh
Lotsa stuff to read... but am too sleepy right now.. so i'll write again.. soon..


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